So Exciting! Here is our episode line up so far!!!
5 steps to Kick starting your book project
All About Mindset: 10 Tips to an Entrepreneurial Mindset.
Discovering Your Purpose: Is Creativity an Option? Part I
Discovering Your Purpose: Is Creativity an Option? Part II
What to do BEFORE you create your book!
9 Things That Will Make Your Author Page Sparkle
How to Develop Your Illustrative Style
Do Not Skip This Episode: Creating a Book Biz Plan
Start Failing NOW! Why Rejection is Awesome!
I’m working on recording episodes 5 and 6 of the Book Creator Podcast RIGHT NOW. Let me know if there is a topic that you want me to do an episode on! I’d love to hear it! Shoot me an email Rachel@StudioRadish.com, a DM on Insta, use the contact form on the website, or message me on Facebook!
Can’t wait to hear what you’d like to learn about!