Hey there book creators! WARNING! This is the step that almost EVERY book creator wants to skip, but needs to pay special attention to: your Book Creation Plan. As creators, we all really LOVE the creation process-- and it is easy to spend 98% of your time creating and leave about 2% left over for all of the business stuff that goes along. But if we don't start thinking about our book as a product from the beginning, we may have a hard time getting our book into the hands of people who can actually enjoy it when it is finished! I've created a downloadable worksheet for you to help out: grab a copy of the free Book Creator Business Plan worksheet on TheBookCreatorPodcast.com or ThePictureBookAcademy.com. ⠀ Here is how you use the plan: #1: Fill out each section of the plan. Remember, this plan can be for your eyes only! You can write in bullets, sentences— what ever makes you happy! Challenge yourself to fill out each section. The areas where you have difficulty indicate where additional research needs to be done. ⠀ ⠀ #2: This is critically important! Head to your calendar and set an appointment for 1 month out to re-evaluate your plan. This is your own personal accountability date to see how you are progressing, if anything changed, or if you can advance your plan in any way. ⠀
#3: This doesn't have to take you a week to fill out! Spend 15 minutes and just knock out as much as you can, put it down for a few days, read over what you wrote, and add more! This plan should be constantly growing and evolving with you...
Let me know if you have any questions! Now go get creating!
